
Biodiversity - Values, Threats and Conservation

In continuation to my previous blog Biodiversity in Simple Terms , here I've tried to cover the important aspects of Biodiversity including Values , Threats and Conservation .   Values of Biodiversity   Biodiversity provides a variety of environmental services   from its species and ecosystems that are essential at the Global , Regional and Local levels. It is essential for preserving ecological processes, such as fixing and recycling of nutrients , soil formation , circulation and cleansing of air and water , global life support , maintaining the water balance within ecosystems , watershed protection , maintaining stream and river flows throughout the year , erosion control and local flood reduction . Fig. 1 Values of Biodiversity   A. Consumptive Use Value: A straight consumptive use is the direct utilization of timber, food, fuel wood and fodder by local communities. The diversity of organisms provide food, clothing, shelter, medicines, proteins, enzymes, papers, sports g

Biodiversity in Simple Terms

I’m Yash Srivastava a budding Environmentalist pursuing my graduation in Environmental Science. While studying Ecosystems, I was intrigued by the term " Biodiversity - The variety of life " or " The web of life " and its recurrent usage across all topics. This inquisitively forced me to research further on Biodiversity and pen my first blog. Sir David Attenborough once quoted for Biodiversity - "It is that range of biodiversity that we must care for - the whole thing rather than just one or two stars". I feel in today's world, there is a need for the conservation of our Biodiversity, by that I mean PROTECTION , PRESERVATION and MANAGEMENT of various ecosystems and natural habitats, thereby ensuring that they are healthy and functional. My blog is an attempt to explain Biodiversity in simple terms so that we become aware of what it means and how important it is for our survival. Introduction to Biodiversity Biodiversity is the abbreviated word